Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Marathon #2 is in the books!

Well I ran the 8th annual Little Rock Marathon over the weekend, it's my second one and I am happy to report that I did great. I finished with a new PR 6:19:20, which is almost 47 minutes better than when I ran the Marine Corps Marathon last October at a pace of 7:06:19.
Granted I am not a fast runner but nonetheless I am a runner and very proud of my accomplishments. I ran two marathons carrying a 50 lbs fat suit and still manage to finish, wow I cant wait until I shed this 50 lbs fat suit when I do my next marathon this October, hopefully I will finish in the 5:30:00.
Until then I have a few shorter races on tab, the Bolder Boulder 10k, a couple Barking Dogs duathlons, and maybe a 5k.