Monday, September 6, 2010

Five Weeks unil Portland Marathon

I have not posted since May, 2010 and am sorry about that. I have been busy, with a new job, training for three marathons this fall and winter within 90 days of each other and living my life to the fullest.

Yesterday I went for a 20 mile training run at Sloans lake with Cindy and we had a blast. It did not feel like that at 4:30 am when I got up and did not want to run a all, I felt tired, my mind was dictating me to stay in bed, and to defer the run until today. The beauty of having a training partner is they motivate you to go out when your mind dont want to and that what Cindy did for me yesterday, once we got out to Sloans lake and started our run, I felt fine and was glad that I did it. What I learned from this experience was that, running and life are very similar, do what is the hardest to do and you will feel great once you did it.

On my weight loss note, I am now below 200lbs for the first time since the early 1990's, I am so pumped, also I am still a vegan and working to get my weight down around 150's.

Until then my friends, keep up your training and eating well and live your life to the fullest.